Have you ever thought about wanting to water your garden when you're away from home? Water your lawn with Control Casa.
Having everything under control is possible today thanks to the Control Casa home automation system.
Control Casa is the only system that allows you to remotely manage the irrigation of your garden via the specific web app.
You will be able to have an ever green lawn without having to do any more effort, all just a click away.
You will also save a lot of money on bills thanks to the Control Casa remotely controlled irrigation system.
You will choose the duration and frequency of irrigation completely independently. And when it rains you can manually or automatically stop watering to protect your lawn.

Irrigate your lawn with Control Casa: how does the Control Casa home automation irrigation system work?
Control Casa irrigation is managed via a home automation irrigation control unit which controls the opening and closing of a series of solenoid valves connected to sprinklers.
The control unit is equipped with software that allows you to set irrigation programs and customize them through information coming fromsensors.
Ilinternet connection via router or wifi it allows you to manage plant watering via any device connected to the internet.
Water your lawn with Control Casa

Control Casa: everything customized to your needs
Compared to traditional automatic irrigation, Control Casa home automation irrigation offers the advantage of high customization, because the frequency and duration of irrigation can be set according to the type of vegetation.
In the design of the system it is in fact possible to define a series ofirrigation areas, each controlled by a solenoid valve.