You have a home automation system, but you continue to manage the heating with the simple thermostat? This is the article for you to learn to make full use of your home automation system and heating.
With with a simple thermostat you can set the time power on e di shutdown of the heating and set the minimum and maximum temperature.
With with a home automation system you can interact much more to really achieve the home environment that responds to your needs at 360°.
Having already i motion sensors that interface with the function anti-theft and with the lighting system, you can use the themselves also to regulate the temperature of the home.
As? Simply by setting a maximum time beyond which, if you do not register movements in some areas of the house, the home automation communicates to the system heating to lower the temperature in those areas.

This system is very effective for families who work on shifts. Who has a clerical work already knows that he will be away from home from around 8.30am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday. Those who work shifts, on the other hand, have different weekly hours during the week and it becomes more complicated to manage the heating.
Risks to forget the heating on while the house is empty or to forget to turn it on when you are coming home. In both cases the result is not pleasant because you will have a huge expenditure of money in the first case and a house cold to welcome you in the second.
In based on the evolution of your home automation system, you can use this interaction between motion sensors and management of heating also depending on zone of your home.

To example, if you already know that the laundry room of the rooms of the guys don't have to be heated up until a certain time, just communicate to the home automation system which, in the absence of movement, the temperature is set to lower.
With the Control Home home automation both simple and. systems can be managed complex.
With a simple installation you can set only the command of ignition from remote. This way you can decide at any time and wherever you are when to turn your heating system on or off.
Comfort not insignificant when you go on holiday in the winter.
Self set the simple thermostat to the minimum temperature you will have a great expense in money and when you return the house will still not have a temperature comfortable.
Con the plant Home automation Control Home you can further lower the minimum temperature e decide to turn on the heating in time to go back and find the ideal temperature to welcome you.
Another one very useful interaction available only with Control Casa and then between home automation and heating system is the possibility of receiving aemail from I notify when the boiler is on alarm or when it doesn't heat. You can also decide to have an email sent directly to boiler technician if the latter were to go into lockdown.

In this This way you can not only achieve savings and comfort, but also safety.
Control Home Not it only manages the home automation and heating system by interacting with the boiler, but also with a possible heat pump.
With the home automation system Control Casa you will have exactly the temperature that you want, in the room you want, when you want it.