EVO-Ride, home automation access

Home automation access for motorcyclists.

Enter Control Casa, advanced home automation: home automation access.

Control Casa it is a style choice that allows for living comfort in step with the most advanced technology.

A button mounted on the handlebar and the gates open wide in front of you and your bike; the box opens and your home welcomes you.

EVO-Ride it can also be controlled from a smartphone, tablet or any other device connected to the internet.

EVO-Ride is an example of the many functions available with Control Casa which allow you to enjoy your home and your motorbike with maximum freedom.

Control Casa and you're always in the saddle!

Control Casa, Control Manager, Home automation access, automatic gate, EVO-Ride Control Casa, Control Manager, Home automation access, EVO-Ride, automated overhead door Control Casa, Control Manager, Home automation access, EVO-Ride, access with button on the handlebar

EVO-Ride functionality, home automation access for motorcyclists.

  • Remote control on the handlebar of the motorbike to access the house.
  • A single button to open and close the gate, the box and activate the entrance scenario.
  • Maximum convenience without getting off the motorbike, without taking off your gloves and without looking for the remote control in your pockets.

Thanks to the use of technology THAT, advanced and proven, Control Casa and Control Manager they adapt to all lifestyles, within the family, with the certainty of always keeping up with the times.

The Control Casa and Control Manager home automation systems are completely compatible with any brand and type of automatic gate, automated overhead door and electric shutter.

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