There are more than 4 million disabled in Italy and for this reason Control Casa think also about their well-being and that of their families.
Apart from the obvious problems that have to be faced in everyday life, most disabled people complain about the impossibility of being 100% autonomous. The boiler thermostat is normally too high, as are many switches or appliances. This creates Domestic architectural barriers that prevent the best use of one's home. With an innovative home automation system such as that of Control Casa, the home interacts and adapts to the needs of those who live there. Through specific Sensors and electronic devices, the autonomy goal becomes achievable, you regain your privacy and self-esteem increases in proportion to one's ability to manage as many aspects of everyday life as possible. With a mobile phone, tablet or any portable device at their disposal, the disabled person becomes the master of his or her own home and controls every aspect of it.
Disabled people who often also suffer from the sort of isolation in which they feel locked up, with home automation Control Casa can return to having a active role within the family unit. To do this, the environment must not be an obstacle, but an aid for everyone. The family members themselves will be more relaxed knowing that the home automation system will be able to monitor the home at all times. It will thus be possible to have the Full control of gas leaks or leaks. With the correct customizations and settings, the system will intervene by interrupting the flow of gas in the event of a leak and reporting the problem by sending an email message to the address indicated. Control Casa it will also react in the same way to water leaks or other breakages inside the home. The safety will always be at hand.
As regards the Blind, the home automation system Control Casa, equipped with an appropriate sound diffusion system, will return vocal feedback to the actions performed on the system in order to ensure the execution of the requested action. By doing so, you will have the Full control of every command.
A parallel discussion can be made for the relatives of disabled people with more complicated situations. By monitoring the home through your portable device, you will always be able to intervene remotely In case of problems, notify the emergency services and open the doors or gate of the house to the rescuers even if you have not yet arrived home, thus allowing a more effective prompt intervention. With Control Casa the Perception of safety of the disabled and of the whole family will increase significantly.
Even the Italian State recognizes the need for the well-being of the disabled and their families, for this reason it is possible to have Tax specifications applicable through the Law 104 (For more information visit: ).
The Lombardy Region itself applies the Regional Law No. 23 of 6 December 1999 Regional Law 23/99 (For more information visit: ).
By taking advantage of the Facilities which are rightfully due, excellent Tax to be able to modify your home by adapting it to the most specific needs.