You are planning the renovation of your new one apartment or the design of the property you've always dreamed of?
You want to merge modernity, efficiency e interior design?
The union between home automation e design And always at the top of the list. Comfort, efficiency, but also design and taste personal.
For this reason choose Control Casa it definitely brings you some huge ones advantages, not just in terms of quality e energy saving, but also regarding aesthetics of your home.
It is completely home automation Made in Italy, designed and built from the same company based in Cairate (VA) and which pays close attention to End customer. The plant Control Casa, in fact, it is attentive to emissions waves electromagnetic, the so-called electrosmog, but it allows you to create your own home of dreams even from a purely point of view aesthetic.
Producing the part of the so-called 'intelligence' of the system, the installation can be carried out by you trusted electrician. Driven and recommended by technicians Control Casa, the creation of the home automation system will be easy and immediate.
Once you have completed the most technical part, choose the finishes. Con Control Casa the choice is endless because yes suitable for all manufacturers of plates, panels, electrical sockets and so on. You will have an infinite series of catalogs at your disposal in which to choose the most suitable product for you.

Plates and accessories for all tastes and which follow the typology of the environment conceived and designed with care and which will be the detail that will make the aesthetic difference.
You can adapt any environment to yours needs, your tastes and your project. With the most design modern, al classico timeless. There is no limit to yours fantasia and everything can be achieved.
The choice of design reflects your tastes 100%! Must not give up nothing. You can realize your project down to the smallest detail. Home automation e design just as you always imagined them.