How can Control Casa home automation system and the coronavirus emergency interact?

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic changed the world structure and balance in the space of a handful of weeks.
At the beginning it seemed like a distant thing that would never arrive. Then it crept into our daily lives, first slowly, then violently and led to the death of thousands of people in a few days.
It goes without saying that everyday life, as it was conceived until the beginning of February, has been turned upside down. The Government and the Regions have had to take drastic decisions to safeguard the health of the weakest. Among the various decisions, the most important is that of social distancing.

Shops closed, bars and restaurants closed, offices closed. What if I had a problem with my home automation system or wanted to make changes?
This is the difference between an advanced home automation system like that of Control Casa and a traditional electrical system: with a home automation system and the coronavirus emergency, technicians can intervene remotely.
With a simple phone call, the Customer can explain what problem they are currently experiencing and the technician can intervene remotely, without the need to set foot in the Customer's home.

Problem solved in the shortest possible time and without running the risk of contagion or spread of the virus.
Another way in which the Control Casa home automation system can help during the coronavirus emergency is when the Customer decides to implement new functions and add programs to their system. Also in this case, with a simple phone call, the Customer and a Control Casa technician can talk, understand the needs and intervene remotely.

By forcibly remaining at home, you find yourself in the right opportunity to understand what you want to expand on your home automation system: Control Casa technicians can intervene remotely in complete safety.
Control Casa, the home automation system and the coronavirus emergency that contribute to everyone's safety.