Control Casa home automation system that protects you from electromagnetic waves
It is now known that the electromagnetic fields produced by electronic devices are harmful to the tissues of our body.
We are the first generation ever to experiment with the WI-FI network without having certain data or sources on the real damage caused by all these electromagnetic fields interconnected with each other.

And unfortunately it seems that all the most authoritative medical sources sidetrack this important and delicate topic.
As always, there are scientists and doctors who affirm the real damage of electrosmog with evidence of an increase in diseases in recent years such as tumors and cancer.
While on the opposite side there are more or less authoritative associations, which state that all these fields that continuously interact with our organism, modifying it, do no harm. Unfortunately they bring nothing to support this thesis and furthermore they cannot even admit their statements with certainty.

After all, after the last years of this pandemic, the world of medicine is divided and ordinary people have lost their sense of trust in the most authoritative central bodies.
On such a delicate subject prevention is better than curee.
Faced with no evidence of certain evidence, it is better to prevent and clean your home from all these magnetic fields.
An increasingly domotic future
In a future where everything will be increasingly connected, in a wireless world and where 5G will rule, it is good that at least our house is clean energetically and safe.
Better to move forward now also from a home automation point of view... but how?
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Control Casa the first home automation system that protects against electromagnetic waves
Control Casa, on the other hand, significantly reduces electrosmog with both active and inactive buttons.
Control Casa, the first home automation system that protects against electromagnetic waves, is truly capable of reducing the electrosmog produced by buttons and switches, compared to a traditional electrical system.
With Control Casa, not only the socket, but also the meters of cable up to the zone box are no longer carried by electricity and are no longer sources of electromagnetic waves.
With the Control Casa home automation system, not only the sockets, but also the unused cables of the electrical system are disabled, in order to reduce the sources of electrosmog.
Control Casa is installed during the renovation or construction phase of the home and, as demonstrated by the experiments carried out in these articles, it is a great ally against the emission of electromagnetic waves, both low frequency and radio frequency.
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Why choose Control Casa, the home automation system that protects against electromagnetic waves
More features: the technology provides a complete system for each employee who can access the office via their smartphone at pre-established times. In the evening, the office waits for the employee to leave to release the tension.
More security: it is no longer possible to forget an open gate or door. The system verifies the closing at the pre-established time. Management and control can be performed from anywhere in the world. Anti-theft function included.
More safety: the system switches off electricity and gas automatically through the use of advanced sensors against water or gas leaks or in the presence of smoke. The alarm is sent to employee PCs and remotely.
More savings: it is no longer possible to forget a light on. The system verifies that the lighting is turned off and allows remote verification and action. The sockets can be disabled during the night, to eliminate the stand-by consumption of all the equipment, extending their operational life.
We also recommend reading theprevious articles regarding electrosmog. We showed how to carry out the measurements and demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic fields, also produced by switched off household appliances.

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