Water your lawn with Control Casa

Have you ever thought about wanting to water your garden when you're away from home? Water your lawn with Control Casa. Having everything under control is possible today thanks to the Control Casa home automation system. Control Casa is the only system that allows you to remotely manage the irrigation of your garden via the specific web app. You will be able […]
Open your home with your mobile phone

Enough with remote controls: open the door of your home or business directly with your mobile phone. Simple, fast and practical. Don't hand over your company's remote controls to just anyone anymore. Install Control Casa at each automated entrance and register all users on the web application: you will be able to filter and control all access. […]
Less expensive electricity bills with Control Casa

Less expensive electricity bills with ControlCasa: the first home automation system that allows you to save money on electricity bills.
Control Casa the only home automation system that protects you from electromagnetic waves

Control Casa home automation system that protects you from electromagnetic waves It is now known that the electromagnetic fields produced by electronic devices are harmful to the tissues of our body. We are the first generation ever to experiment with the WI-FI network without having certain data or sources on the real damage caused by all these electromagnetic fields [...]
Control Casa: The Smart Home of the Future

Control Casa: The Smart Home of the Future, better known by the term "Smart Home", is an environment made up of systems capable of carrying out autonomous and/or user-programmed functions. A technologically advanced home in which all the devices present in it are interconnected. The home automation system allows the user to manage his home […]
The differences between home automation and smart home. Let's clarify

Do you know what the differences are between home automation and smart home? No? Then this is just the article for you! There is no doubt that words such as 'home automation', 'smart home' and 'intelligent home' are increasingly making their way into everyday vocabulary. But who knows the differences between the various terms and, above all, between […]
All the information to get home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives

Can home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives travel on the same floor? Why not take advantage of the opportunities given to us? Until yesterday it was possible to install multimedia devices for the automatic or remote control and management of heating or cooling systems with a 65% deduction. It was also possible to install the same […]
How the home automation system and the coronavirus emergency interact.

How can Control Casa home automation system and the coronavirus emergency interact? The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic changed the world structure and balance in the space of a handful of weeks. At the beginning it seemed like a distant thing that would never arrive. Then it crept into our daily lives, first slowly, then violently and brought […]
Home automation and heating system, the combination of savings and comfort.

Do you have a home automation system, but continue to manage the heating with the simple thermostat? This is the article for you, to learn how to make full use of your home automation system and heating. With a simple thermostat you can set the heating on and off times and set the minimum and maximum temperature. With […]
Home automation and design: you decide the style!

Are you planning the renovation of your new apartment or the design of the property you have always dreamed of? Do you want to combine modernity, efficiency and interior design? The combination of home automation and design is always at the top of the list. Comfort, efficiency, but also design and personal taste. This is why choosing Control Casa certainly brings you enormous advantages, not […]